

June Photo Challenge - Day 30 - Stairs

It was way too hot to go looking for an interesting set of stairs. These are the ones leading down (or going up!) from our apartment.


June Photo Challenge - Day 29 - Lines

Not feeling especially inspired today.

The parking lot at work; taken with my iPhone and edited in PhotoToaster.


June Photo Challenge - Day 27 - On the Wall

Does anyone know what the heck this is??  LOL!


June Photo Challenge - Day 26 - Money

My collection of coins and bills I've had for years. Most are foreign currency, a few are wheat pennies, and one silver certificate dollar bill.

You can see a full description of all the coins here.


June Photo Challenge - Day 25 - Something You Made

I made this shelf in wood shop way back in the 8th grade.

Wood shop was a breeze for me. In fact, it was a little boring. The only thing that made it fun was I could rag on all the guys and had bragging rights. You see, the first thing our teacher had us do was name all the tools and machines. I was the only one in the class who could name every single one.

Thanks to Dad!

Dad had a wood shop above our garage where he built our entire kitchen, our stairs and banister, several pieces of furniture and taught us kids how to use every one of his tools and machines. I also had bragging rights for the semester because the shop teacher wouldn't let any of the boys use the ban saw. Only I could!!

When it came time to stain our shelves, I let everyone pick their stain first. While everyone was going for the mahogany, the pine or the cherry stains, I looked for the one stain that was the complete opposite. I had no clue what this one was called, all I knew is it was orange and not anything anyone else would ever choose.

Some things never change....


June Photo Challenge - Day 22 - Oldness

I love my old milk jug. It was my Dad's when he was growing up, and they actually stored fresh milk in it. When I was a kid, Dad made maple syrup, and the milk jug was then used to store maple sap.

Now I simply use it as decoration.  (Although it may be storing a spider or two now!)


June Photo Challenge - Day 21 - In the Air

I wanted S to jump for me because she can get really high "in the air", but she said she couldn't because she hasn't jumped "in years".


June Photo Challenge - Day 19 - Inspired by a Quote

The only way to have a friend is to be one.
                                                          ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


June Photo Challenge - Day 17 - Mother Nature

I'm pretty sure, from the look on her face, she was brewing up one hell of a storm....


June Photo Challenge - Day 13 - Squares

June Photo Challenge - Day 12 - Something You Write With

I won't leave home without them.

Seriously. I don't. I have them in my desk at home, in my bag, and on my desk at work.


June Photo Challenge - Day 9 - Bottle

I've got a boat load of old bottles that I dug up in the back yard of my childhood home, but this is by far my favorite. There's just something about those old glass soda bottles....

I love how the label, which is painted on, has worn over the years. I've tried a Google search for the company (Risedorph Beverages, Inc) but came up empty handed.


June Photo Challenge - Day 8 - Something You Found

Years ago, when S was a toddler, this was found in the mall parking lot next to my car. A nice heart with doves ring in 14 carat gold.

It's not really my style, and the only gold I wore was my wedding ring (My fingers are too fat for it now.), so it sets in my jewelry box.


June Photo Challenge - Day 7 - Your Lunch

A yummy Southwest chicken Greek salad  and a bottle of water.


June Photo Challenge - Day 3 - SOOC (unedited)

This was so much a challenge for me!

I love to edit, and it was so hard holding back and not opening this up in Photoshop and having at it!!


June Photo Challenge - Day 1 - Front Door

My boring front door.

Here's a little fact for you ~  peepholes are pretty much useless to me.